School Prefects at Beaver Green Primary School

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School Prefects are chosen by the staff; they are pupils who have shown they always stick to the school rules, follow our values, have a good attitude towards learning and show good manners – they are model pupils!  It is considered to be a prestigious position. Prefects are, in a sense, junior members of staff and are expected to take their role seriously. The position not only allows pupils to lead by example and demonstrate their responsibility, it also enables the younger children to learn from a good example which is why they are carefully selected.  Once chosen they will be awarded badges to wear and their position made known to other children within the school.  

Prefect roles and responsibilities

Beaver prefects must lead by example at all times in their behaviour and the respect they show to others. They take on many roles and have many responsibilities, such as:

  • Modelling to other children how to behave well

  • Duty at lunchtimes to support children

  • Encouraging children to move around the school calmly and quietly

  • Showing visitors around the school

  • Assisting at school fairs and events

  • Helping in the dining hall

  • Monitoring safe play outdoors.

  • Delivering equipment to different classes


They are not expected to carry out all these duties themselves but are involved in the organising and delegating of these tasks to other pupils; being involved in the day-to-day organisation of the school.