Beaver Green Primary School became an academy and part of the Trust in April 2015.
The following arrangements with respect to the admission of pupils to the school are to be adopted.
The governors will provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday. The PAN in Reception is 60. Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year. Parents may also request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age.
Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit.
If your child has an Education Healthcare Plan (EHCP), please contact your Local Authority caseworker to inform them of the school you would like your child to attend. They will advise you on your next steps.
1. Oversubscription Criteria Looked After Children
Children in Local Authority Care
A child under the age of 18 years for whom the Local Authority provides accommodation by agreement with their parents/carers (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) or who is subject to a care order under Part 1V of the act. This applies equally to children who immediately after being looked after by the local Authority become subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. (As defined by Section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or Section 8 or 14A of the Children Act 1989).
Sibling / Current Family Association
A brother or sister attending Beaver Green Primary School when the child starts; in this context brother or sister means children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers and sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers and sisters. The sibling link is maintained as long as the family live at the same address as when the first child applied, or has moved closer to the school than when the first child was offered a place, or has moved to an address that is less than 2 miles from the school using the distance measured by the method outlined in the distance/nearness of children’s home to school criterion.
Medical / Health and Special Access Reasons
Medical, health, social and special access reasons will be applied in accordance with the school’s legal obligations, in particular those under the Equality Act 2010. Priority will be given to those children whose mental or physical impairment means they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend Beaver Green Primary School. Equally this priority will apply to children whose parents’/guardians’, physical or mental health or social needs means that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend Beaver Green Primary School. Such claims will need to be supported by written evidence from a suitably qualified medical or other practitioner who can demonstrate a special connection between these needs and Beaver Green Primary School.
Distance / Nearness of children’s home to school
The distance is measured between the child’s permanent home address and the school in a straight line using Ordnance Survey address point data. Distances are measured from a point defined within the child’s home to a point defined within the school as specified by Ordnance Survey. The same address point on the school site is used for everybody. A map of the locality is held at the school for consultation should it be required. A block of flats has a single address point of reference, so applicants living in the same block will be regarded as living the same distance away from the school. In the unlikely event that two or more children live in the same block and in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.
2. Child’s home address
A child’s home address is considered to be a residential property that is the child’s only or main residence (not an address at which the child may sometimes stay or sleep) and which is either owned by the child’s parent, parents or guardian or leased or rented to them under a lease or written rental agreement. Where partners live apart but share responsibility for the child, and the child lives at two different addresses during the week, we will regard the home address as the one at which the child sleeps for the majority of week days. Where applications are received after the deadline set by Kent County Council, places will be allocated in line with Kent’s admissions scheme. Priority of admission will be determined by the above criteria. In the event of a ‘tie breaker’ situation the nearness of an applicant’s home to school will be the decider. In the event that more than one applicant has the same distance from home to school (as measured by the local authority), and then a random selection will be applied.
3. Appeals
Parents have the right to appeal against any refusal to admit their child. Appeals should be directed to an Appeals Committee established within the terms of the Education Act 1996. Details of the appeals procedure can be obtained from the Chair of Governors. The Appeals Committee will notify the Appellant of the outcome:
a) Appeals must be lodged in line with the LA date, except where the initial application was a late application, in which case the appeal must be lodged within 21 days of the allocation decision being sent to the parents.
b) The school will acknowledge an appeal within seven working days of it being lodged
c) Appeals relating to other admissions can be made at any time
4. Right to Withdraw a Place
After a place has been offered the school reserves the right to withdraw the place in the following circumstances: i. When a parent has failed to respond to an offer within a reasonable time; or ii. When a parent has failed to notify the school of important changes to the application information; or iii. The admission authority offered the place on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application from a parent
5. Waiting Lists
Parents of children who have not been offered a place at the school may ask for their child’s name to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be operated using the same admissions criteria listed above. Placing a child’s name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available. This does not prevent parents from exercising their right to appeal against the decision not to offer a place. It is possible that when a child is directed under the local authority’s fair access protocol they will take precedence over those children already on the list.
6. In-Year (Casual) Admissions
Requests for applications for a place at the school in-year must initially be made on an In Year Casual Admission Form or by writing to the Head of School who will offer a place, if one is available and their child meets the criteria for admission. If a place cannot be offered, parents will be offered the opportunity of placing their child’s name on a waiting list. This does not prevent parents from exercising their right to appeal against the decision not to offer a place.
Please see the attached document below for Admissions Arrangement Consultation For Admission Year 2025-2026