3 and 4 year old room

Our 3 and 4 year old room is led by a qualified teacher, alongside Nursery practitioners.  

Our 3 and 4 year old room is set out to provide experiences to cover all 7 areas of learning. 

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language Development 

  • Physical Development 

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Knowledge and Understanding of the world 

  • Expressive Arts and Design  

We encourage the development of these areas of learning by providing a wide range of exciting and challenging activities and resources. 

Each day a variety of activities are set up for the children to encourage their curiosity. There is also the option for the children to make their own choices and choose their own resources.

Our preschool children are also encouraged to develop their mark making and early writing skills through play and we introduce phonics in a fun and engaging way when we feel the children are ready.   

Each child will be assigned a ‘Key Person’ who will provide the main daily care of your child, they will also converse with parents on a daily basis, to make sure that the needs of the child are being met appropriately, and that records of development and progress are shared with parents and other professionals as necessary.



Beaver Green Nursery gives the option for your child to have a packed lunch or a cooked school dinner (payable via Parent Pay).  Please note school dinners need to be booked in advance.  We provide healthy and nutritious cooked meals, along with healthy snacks and drinks. 

Your child’s learning journey

We make and document regular observations of your child to ensure that they are learning and developing to the best of their ability. Your child will have their own learning journey folder and an online learning journey which you can access from home, to see all the exciting things they have been learning.

We are more than happy to discuss your child’s day and their progress with you, and a staff member will always be available to chat with you.

Preparation for school

We understand that your child’s move to school can be a daunting one for both parents and the child.  At Beaver Green Nursery we ensure we support your child’s transition process to make it as smooth as possible.  Children who choose to attend Beaver Green Primary School will have many opportunities to visit their new teachers, classroom and outside area in the summer terms before they start school.  We will work closely with any other schools which our children attend to ensure they settle well into their new school. 

Meet the staff


(awaiting photo)

Teacher - Miss Boxall


Nursery practitioners -

Mrs Waller

Mrs Burgess


Mrs Tong

Miss Twyman